Monday, 26 March 2012

Autumn Flow

Here we are, well into Autumn already. The days are starting to get shorter. But with our Summer this year producing over 50 days of rain (out of 90) it's been so lovely to now have some crisp, shiny Autumn days. The weather around these parts last Saturday was nothing short of sublime.  I have had my new Fuji X10 camera for a few weeks now but still hadn't taken the time to learn how to use it.  This weekend I took it everywhere with me.  I'm still finding my way around the features and settings but my shots are definitely improving! 

I've set myself a few personal goals this year, most important was finding balance and 'being present' which I've spoken about in previous posts. I'd also like to learn how to produce quality photo's and learn how to sew. I do feel a bit embarrassed to admit that aside from high school, I've never really driven a sewing machine. Oh, what I would do if only I knew how! So I've been trying to find a good beginners sewing class, one that doesn't require your own machine.  How perfect does this '
make do and mend' class sound! Sadly, not in the same hemisphere as me, and I cant seem to find anything like it in Sydney.  If anyone is aware of one, I would love to hear about it!

Two more highlights from my weekend:
1. Teddy Bear Toast for breakfast
2. Sunday afternoon market finds (love!)

Hope yours was shiny too! Have a great week.

Belinda x

Friday, 23 March 2012

Oh! You pretty things

Maybe I've been living under a rock but I only discovered the cult accessories label Samantha Wills a few months back when I came across the Romancing the Stone ring and now, I seriously have to restrain myself from buying something from her collection every other week.  Especially hard since there is a stockist in my neighbourhood! Love that SW's a self taught, down to earth Aussie chick who's hit the big time through hard work and some straight up talent.  I can tell you from experience, wearing her pieces make you feel pretty special. They are beyond stunning, beautifully hand crafted and even come in their own carved wooden jewellery boxes.

As of about an hour ago, I've fallen in love with Dannijo. I saw this pic while blog hopping and it made me stop in my tracks. (thanks to VLA)

Turns out Danni & Jo are some pretty cool and clever sisters from NYC and they're creating some incredible statement pieces. I mean, they are UN.REAL. 

It was almost too difficult to pick out favourites, but I'm loving each of these:

Saving my pennies, they're all officially on my wish list. But it's going to be pretty hard to choose. What do you reckon?

Have a fabulous weekend!

Belinda x

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Between the tea and the toast

After an exhausting week which included a quick business trip overseas, I've been so relieved to be home this weekend. Sometimes when you're feeling a little beaten down and too tired to think, you don't know what it is you need. Thank goodness the universe often takes care of that for you. Turns out I needed all of these things and I'm so grateful for them:

  • Dinner with my closest girlfriends, in the neighbourhood where it all began 23 years ago.
  • Afternoon naps.
  • Quiet hours reading magazines and blogs.
  • Beautiful music.  Listening to old and latest favourites, discovering new ones.
  • Dinner with new friends (laughter is the best way to describe it)
  • Most of all, being wrapped up in the arms of the man I adore.

This photo was taken from my hotel balcony while I was away. Before the commitments of the day began. Before the phone rang, before emails.  A cup of tea, this sunrise, a few long deep breaths.  Balance.

"Of all the days we've ever had,
it is these quiet days that leave me satisfied the most, when our holy ghosts
have room to dance
between the tea and the toast." *

Belinda x

(*Lyrics: Clare Bowditch and The Feeding Set)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

I want to go to there

Living in Australia, snow is a bit of a mystery to me. I've never been in truly freezing temperatures, let alone knee deep in snow.  I'm just captivated looking at these incredible Snow Drawings by artist, 
Sonja Hinrichsen.  

She designs then executes these huge scale drawings by walking for miles in snow boots ! 

One day, when I finally visit a snowy landscape, the snow angel's just not going to cut it ;-)

See more here.

Belinda x

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Holes of Happiness

Apparently Oprah has already made this guerrilla gardener famous but I've only just stumbled across his work.

What a kind and lovely thing he's doing to bring a little light into the daily grind. Can you just imagine a little kid's joy in discovering one of these amazing mini landscapes?!  And, how about the bus driver who tries to steal the tomatoes! haha, sprung!

Hope you're smiling over there, pass it on :-)

Belinda x

Saturday, 10 March 2012


My Nana, Joan is my dad's mum.  
She met my Grandpa at a local dance in 1948. He was handsome, a larrakin, well known and liked in their country town.  
Their's was a true love story, they adored each other and treasured how lucky they were.

Check out that handsome couple on the far left. I want my nana's outfit, from head to toe!

They lived in country New South Wales with their four children until my dad got meningitis when he was four years old.  Dad lost his hearing as a result of the illness and so they packed up their life and moved to the 'big smoke' Sydney to give him the best opportunities & healthcare.  I've told that part of her story many times but never really considered just how big a decision that would have been for a young married couple. 

I have so many wonderful memories of spending time at Nana & Grandpa's place growing up; summers wedged between them on the couch watching cricket, 'helping' Grandpa water his garden, dancing around their lounge room to Doris Day or The Andrews Sisters (don't sit under the apple tree, with anyone else but me, no no no)  The thing we all love to do the most is sit around the kitchen and chat, tell stories, share, laugh. 

I love her laugh.  She is kind, generous, thoughtful, unassuming, strong and a great listener.  Her's is a quiet confidence, we gravitate towards her.  She has a great sense of humour and keeps it real. 

She's also got a great sense of style, as you can see in the pictures.  She always looks beautifully pulled together and has an eye for what suits her.  Reds and blues are her hero colours. Like me, she LOVES to spend a morning with good coffee and a stroll around the shops.

In the last couple of years, my wonderful relationship with her has evolved.  She is a friend and confidant.  I'm so grateful to be getting to know her as a person, not just my nana.  Our bond is stronger than ever before.  I still love nothing more than sitting around chatting with her & sharing stories.  She reminds me of who I am, provides endless support and encouragement and when it comes down to it, I think she's the coolest! 

I'm so proud to know her.

Belinda x

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


My maternal Nana, Elsie was larger than life.  A sparkle in her eye, vibrant, strong, charismatic.

I was a pretty shy kid, so growing up I loved her and was intimidated by her in equal measure.  She would tell it like it is, she was opinionated and sometimes I'd come away feeling slightly bruised and confused. Her honesty and aplomb are things I love most about her now, but didn't understand as a kid.  She was very loving, kind and generous.  She really did live to give.

She was a very social person, her dancing at weddings, fundraisers, parties (even into her 90's) are the stuff of legend.  She was a loyal friend and fierce defender of her family.  She had two deaf children, one of them being my mother and was forever selling raffle tickets, raising money, driving awareness & providing support to the community.

Don't you love those brilliant hats she and her friends wore!  My mum has kept many of her hats, they're amazing! We don't need much encouraging to pull them out ;-)

I'm sure Nana influenced my love of accessories.  I would sit at her dresser trying on all of her rings, brooches, necklaces, clip-on earings etc, admiring my blinged up self in the mirror.  Her style had flair, a sense of occasion, a mix of classic and costume pieces, always bold and colourful.

This gorgeous lady lived life to the fullest and I feel very blessed to have been able to share so much of my life with her.  

It makes me smile to think of her, I miss her a lot.

Belinda x

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Tropfest 2012

*sigh* Rich is finally home tomorrow morning from an overseas business trip.  I've decided it's completely stupid us ever being apart and a week is far, far too long!  
Just spent a lovely quiet night in watching the 2012 Tropfest finalists online.  The event was a couple of weekends ago and I've been meaning to catch up on it ever since.  

It was a brilliant mix of weird, wacky and wonderful as always.  The Tropfest Signature Item this year was a lightbulb. And what a line up of judges - Geoffrey Rush, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Toni Collette, Asher!

Although I can see why Lemonade Stand took the top prize, my personal faves were, in order:

1. My Constellation (tears!)

With my favourite quote coming from the Byron Bay Dancing Man

"What people think is none of my business, I'm free to be me.....if you're out of your cage, by all means flap your wings"

Wise words from the beard :-)

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Belinda x
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