Sunday, 31 March 2013


 "A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: the Handsome. Slaying me dead with those blue eyes.
We: are really appreciating the downtime with each other and family this Easter long weekend.

It's been a crazy few weeks here. Most of it spent away from home so I haven't had the time I would have liked to spend wandering through everyone's portraits. But I can say that Gus and Hoopla kind of stole my heart. 

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & FidelYou can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

PS. Thank you, so much for your comments in response to my last post. Thank you for letting me know you're reading, the personal connections mean SO much more to me than a pie chart of blogger stats. X

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Come here often?

Before I started blogging, I was an avid blogoholic but never signed up to follow any blogs and hardly ever commented on posts. Mainly because I didn't really know how and why it even mattered anyway. I loved reading and established favourite blogs where I'd never miss a post. But believe it or not, it never actually occurred to me that the blogger might like to know I was reading and how much I was enjoying it.

Once I started blogging for myself, I suddenly realised that the online community here thrives with interaction. It's a relationship and it works best if it's a two-way conversation.

If you're reading, I'd love to get to know you better. 

I'm thinking about how best to do that, whether a facebook page makes sense. I don't think I can handle adding Twitter or Pinterest to the mix right now, I barely have any spare time as it is! As a start, I've updated the buttons in the sidebar where you can click to follow this blog or choose to receive post updates via email.

In case you are looking for a new reader, like I am, perhaps you would like to Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

Shy and prefer to watch from the sidelines? That's ok too, I get it. I'm glad you're here.

Belinda x

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Home is wherever I'm with you

We laugh until we think we'll die
barefoot on a summer night
Nothin' new is sweeter than with you

And in the streets we're running free 
like it's only you and me
Geez, you're somethin' to see.

Ah, Home.
Let me come Home.
Home is wherever I'm with you.

Belinda x

*Lyrics from this most beautiful song. And if you like that, you should absolutely, most definately watch this.
** Images from a perfect afternoon, a couple of weekends ago. 

Monday, 25 March 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: is always my biggest champion and supporter. I think I'll look back on this weekend as a turning point in my creative pursuits and it will be with such gratitude of his gentle encouragement and belief in me.
We: spent the week apart in different parts of the country due to work obligations. But, our travel commitments crossed paths over the weekend and we got to spend precious little time together over dinners in Melbourne's cool bars and restaurants.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel

My portraits are little late this week as I've only just returned home tonight after a week in Melbourne. I was lucky enough to attend the inaugural Big Hearted Business Conference over the weekend and have returned with my cup so overflowing that I'll need a day or two to digest it all. I've got so much to share with you, but I'm feeling quite overwhelmed (in the best possible way), I don't have the words yet. Soon!

You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

Monday, 18 March 2013

These two

I've been feeling out of sorts this past week. Flat. Frayed.

He's been patient and generous. 

She'll dress up as Madonna (circa Desperately Seeking Susan) and point out dragon clouds passing by. 

What would I do without these two. My loves.

Belinda x

Sunday, 17 March 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: " I have any food in my teeth?" He insisted I use this shot. 
We: needed quiet and each other. The dusk light and sea spray helped too. It was the highlight of my week, by far. 

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel

My favourite portraits from last week were these magical, timeless captures. And I have to mention Meryl's, her two children are divine but the shot of Patrick up against the glass pining after his sister....I'm still giggling!

You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Gold star

Some days, I feel paralysed by the uncertainty of what comes next in our journey to become parents.

But, this girl. 

Growing up so fast, she received her first award in Kindergarten today. Student of the week for always participating in class discussion. 

Gosh, I'm just so proud of her. I'm so proud to be her step-mum. I'm lucky to be.

Belinda x

Sunday, 10 March 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: precious halcyon days.
We: have thoroughly enjoyed being on the beach by 8.30am most Sunday's for the Little One's first year in Nippers. On days like this, especially.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel

My favourite portraits from last week were by Rachel, Katrina and Mel. All were 'new to me' blogs, I'm loving the discovery and the personal connections that come with this project.

You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

Sunday, 3 March 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: enamoured of this tiny dancer.
We: were humbled by a truly magical day spent with family and friends. This barn forever holds some of our most favourite memories within it's magnificent walls.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel

You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x
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