Sunday, 29 June 2014

26: Victoria

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

I met with Victoria, a registered nurse and her daughter Samantha at a beachside cafe. It was a Saturday morning and she hadn’t yet been to bed after a night shift caring for special needs babies. It became clear right away that Victoria doesn’t sit idle for too long. She chooses to be present, always seeking out something new to do, see or experience. Quite honestly, she is FUN to be around!

Married thirty four years, Victoria met her husband when they were teenagers. Together they have four children (Rebecca, Christopher, Samantha, Jessica) who are now starting families of their own. Whilst she has very fond memories of her grandparents, Victoria admits that her relationship with her own mother isn’t close. She tells me she can count the times her mother joined her childhood activities growing up on one hand. As a result, Victoria’s approach to motherhood has been a conscious choice to get involved, to cherish and nurture the individual personalities of each of her kids. It was beautiful to watch Victoria and Sam together. There were countless hugs and laughs, an easy love between them. Her eyes light up at the mention of her grandchildren. It’s important to her to be the grandparent they want to visit and spend time with, that they create beautiful memories like she has of her own.

Victoria (rightfully) refers to motherhood as a career, rewarding, challenging and sometimes not very pleasant. But seeing her children grow up to be happy, productive members of their communities, it’s a career she is truly grateful for. We spoke about modern motherhood, how complicated it seems to have become. It can be overwhelming to navigate all of the information available to parents today. Victoria says in her experience, if it felt right for her and her family, then it generally was. Encouraged by the support of her family, she’s currently writing a book with the hope that it will provide more parents the permission to simply enjoy their little ones as they grow up. 

Her biggest piece of advice?

"Enjoy the moments – the years go by too fast and they will be all grown up before you know it!"

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x

Sunday, 22 June 2014

25: Samantha

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

Aurora. The beautiful latin word for dawn. The unmistakable signal of promise. Hope. 

Sammy grew up in Glasgow, Scotland. She hails from an impressive lineage of intrepid women that undoubtedly shaped the woman she has become. Her “Nana in Glasgow” raised four daughters with her husband away at sea, serving in the second world war. Her own mother’s independent nature has been hugely influential. Instilling a sense of seeing the positive in every situation, that the opportunities and challenges in life are to be met with purpose and courage.

After independently migrating to Australia from the UK, Sammy met her English partner Mike through mutual friends in Sydney nine years ago. Together they share an adventurous spirit. Both are most at home by the sea or in the mountains. After two years together they decided to put themselves and their relationship to the test by attempting to sail across the Pacific. They bought a 41 foot sailing boat in Panama and sailed double handed from Central America to Australia. A journey that relied on inner fortitude as well as the strength of their partnership. In return they share some incredible memories. They visited some of the most remote and uninhabited idyllic islands in the world and witnessed countless natural wonders. Then there was the time they narrowly avoided catastrophe. Their mast snapping 10ft above deck which brought the rigging crashing down into the sea. When they finally sailed into the heads of Sydney harbour some fifteen months after leaving Panama, on a glorious winters day with humpback whales breaching as if heralding their return, the elation and pride was palpable.

In their journey to start a family, Mike and Sammy have been through alot. Last year, Sammy birthed their firstborn at just twenty weeks due to complications with the pregnancy. In her own words -

"I held Holly in my arms for a few very precious hours. She was so tiny but was so perfectly formed and so very beautiful. It was truly amazing. I can’t describe the love I felt and still do for her. I won’t get to see her grow up or “mother” her in the way that mothers celebrate motherhood but I celebrate it in my own way. I am a mother to a beautiful little girl called Holly. I feel so very lucky to have had Holly and to experience even for a short period of time, the utmost joy...  I have to thank my wonderful Mum and grandmother for all their insights to life with it's joys and tribulations. It’s kept me positive through this whole experience and has also given me hope. "

To me, it's imperative that this portrait project honours all of the collective experiences of motherhood.  Each is unique, special, brave and important. This week I am especially honoured and grateful to Sammy for trusting me with sharing hers.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x

Sunday, 15 June 2014

24: Cindy

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

Cindy is married and a mother of two children, Arminka Axelle (five) and Elke Seraphine (one). We met briefly at the Big Hearted Business conference but her openness and honesty illuminated a strong sense of self and deep commitment to independent thought and living consciously. Cindy is passionate about creating a healthy world in which we take care of those less fortunate, eradicate inequality, and are careful caretakers of this planet. Cindy tells me it took her several years to reconcile being a mother and her wish to work. It was important to her to continue working "for my own satisfaction, financial independence and security, and to light the way for my daughters and all daughters". As with so many women, the challenge is finding the way to do this with young children that works best for you and your family. In motherhood, Cindy’s approach is largely intuitive. She draws upon the collective experience and guidance of those around her and believes in treating her daughters with the same level of respect and regard that she expects to receive. Embracing them as individuals, loving them unconditionally and providing them with an environment that helps them grow into the best version of themselves. While raising her children has highlighted her own insecurities and weaknesses, these insights in turn have championed her strengths and willingness to grow and learn.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x

Monday, 9 June 2014

23: Louise

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

Lou and I met around the time she started dating Andrew. They've since been married twelve years and have two daughters. They're a great team. Lou tells me Andrew was an amazing dad from the very first minute. Confident and hands on, putting her initial nervousness at ease. With three brothers herself, Lou always wished for a sister so she's delighted that her daughters have that in each other. Whilst feeling like she's learning this motherhood gig on the job, she's acutely aware of the responsibility in raising girls. To be good people and kind friends, encouraging a healthy attitude to eating, body image and exercise. Lou has recently taken on challenges like boot camp, obstacle courses and fun runs. She hopes that her girls take something from these accomplishments; "it may not mean much to them now but maybe they will look back and think that was pretty cool mum did all that in her 40s!"

Working part time in a corporate industry, there has been pressure at times to return to full time work. But so far she's been able to take the path that feels right for her family first and foremost. Lou is also blessed with a close relationship with her mum. They live streets away from each other and as a result, she has a wealth of information and baby whispering on tap, and her girls have a wonderful bond with their grandmother. Lou also raves about her mothers group. Having originally met by chance, it’s amazing to think that nine of them remain close friends many years later. Nine women with twenty two children between them, without ever any competition just a wonderful support network. They've been through so much together and Lou describes their friendships as striking gold. No doubt the rest of the group think the same thing about Lou, she's such a lovely friend. Funny, articulate, thoughtful and kind.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

22: Tamara

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

Tamara and I met for an early morning walk through secret gardens by the harbour. After completing the 50km Sydney Coastrek event earlier this year, walking has become her her sanity break. Gentle exercise and some quiet time to clear her mind and press reset. She’s also very passionate about food and cooking. As we walked in the crisp morning air she admired the lemon trees and talked of desserts. After discovering that her eldest required a gluten free diet she and her family have been on a journey to clean foods. Knowing Tamara through work, it's not surprising to me that within her passions lie themes of nourishment. Her nature is warm and wholehearted. Maternal.

Tamara and her husband Ian have been married almost thirteen years. Theirs was a whirlwind storybook romance. They met in Las Vegas and within ten months Tamara took a leap of faith moving from Sydney to New Zealand to be with him. The following New Years Eve, they were married. Whilst they always knew they wanted to have children, Tamara and Ian cherished married life together for five years as a couple before starting their family. They now have three beautiful children, with equally beautiful names. Hugo, Neve and Jude. Tamara adored the newborn stages, savouring it especially with her third, son Jude. By then she'd learnt to trust her instincts more, in turn she feels she has become a better mother. She also credits her tight knit support group of friends as 'sanity savers' through the early years, all with children born within weeks and months of her own. 
As her children grow, Tamara says they can look like her one day and their father the next but she's proud to see their unique personalities emerging and breaking the moulds.

Finally Tamara describes the almost physical reaction she had towards her parents when first becoming a mother:

"you immediately realise what your own parents did for you when you become a first time mother & father, it almost hits you in the face!!! So thanks mum and dad!"

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the 52 Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page. In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x
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