Saturday, 27 October 2012

Life Music

Ask any of my family or old timer friends to name my all time favourite band, they would all tell you without hesitation, Arrested Development

I was obsessed. I drew their AD band logo on all my schoolbooks, on my hands like a jailbird tattoo (engraved it on a few school desks too if I'm really honest!)  When 'Revolution' was released, I recorded it off the American Top 40 radio show that was broadcast in Sydney on Sundays and made each of my friends listen to it on my walkman on the bus to school the next morning. My family were the ones who had to put up with my obsession the most though, I would watch the Arrested Development documentary on video after school every day for months. Literally, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I also remember a particular family holiday to Adelaide where I held my tape-player 'ghetto blaster' on my lap for the two days it took to drive from Sydney, and I played Arrested Development just about the entire trip. Occasionally the odd Bob Marley album was thrown in the mix for good measure or when I felt in a good mood, I'd let my brother play one of his Run DMC or Michael Jackson tapes. My brother and sister know just about every word to every song, AD are just as much a part of their growing up as mine.

Arrested Development's brand of hip hop, and themes of love, equality, standing up for what you believe in and being thankful for what you've got, really hit a nerve with me as an awkward, shy teenager. I never felt as cool or as pretty as any of my friends, I felt different and gave myself such a hard time about it. Looking back I'm sure most of us felt exactly the same way, but at the time I felt completely alone in it. Arrested Development lifted me out of my head and gave me something so positive to hang onto. They called it 'Life Music' and it made an enormous impact on me. I loved deeply their music and what they had to say.

This week, my sister, my husband and I caught a ferry over to Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour for Arrested Development's 20th Anniversary show.  Needless to say, WE. HAD. THE. BEST.TIME.

Belinda x

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Forever young

Images of her childhood taking me back to my own. Ice cream and water sprinklers in the sunshine.

Belinda x

* First image captured by my sister, Amanda.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Loud Shirt Day

These are my folks, they are all kinds of awesome. I've shared a little about my gorgeous mum previously here. My folks are deaf. I also have a deaf aunt and uncle. My brother, sister and I were born hearing, so were my cousins.  We grew up with our feet firmly planted in both the hearing and deaf worlds.

This is my gorgeous Godson, Haydn. He's two, loves gangsta hand signs (Eastsiiiiide), soccer and more recently fishing. Since Haydn was a baby, he's always had a cheeky look, like he's in on a joke the rest of us aren't clued in on. He'll bring me up to speed one day, me being his favourite Godmother and all. Haydn is hearing impaired and has been attending The Shepherd Centre since he was a baby.

The Shepherd Centre has been helping children who are deaf or hearing impaired to learn how to listen and speak for 40 years. 

The 19th October is Loud Shirt Day, raising funds to help deaf and hearing impaired children. It's not too late to register, or sponsor someone who has - like Mrs Woog.

Mrs Woog's son Jack, was born profoundly deaf. As a reader of Woogsworld, I can tell you that Jack is all kinds of awesome too. I find myself wishing I was a bit more like Jack sometimes! He is an amazing kid and has also benefited from the support of The Shepherd Centre.

If you're interested, you can register for Loud Shirt Day or donate here.

Also, if you live in Sydney and you're interested in learning more about the Deaf community and culture, why not pop down to the Deaf Festival 2012, on 20th October.

Belinda x

Monday, 15 October 2012


I pretty much hit the jackpot when it comes to family.  I'm so grateful for days like these.

Belinda x

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Garden update

In case you've been wondering whether my novice gardener enthusiasm has waned or not. A quick progress update on our fish pond converted veggie patch which, I'm pleased to report is now home to chilli's, red onion, basil and lettuce while a blueberry and blackberry tree are taking root in lovely matching pots. Now, the anxious wait and dutiful care till harvest. Still figuring it out as we go but the whole process and looking across at this corner of the garden makes me so very happy!

Belinda x

Friday, 12 October 2012

What I'm listening to

*sigh* Friday afternoon. Music filling this house, lifting us out of our week and into the weekend. Here's a little taste of what we're nodding our heads to round here lately...

The brilliant collaboration of St Vincent and David Byrne, Love This Giant. (Touring Sydney in January) I cant get enough of this song and video clip!

Bat For Lashes. New album, The Haunted Man launches on October 23 but she has already streamed half of it here. I am in love with this song, Laura.

Lately, our calendar has been filling up with gigs and shows, for me that always signals that Summer is on her way (although you wouldn't know it in Sydney today!) I think my summer festival days may be well and truly over but I still love the feeling of looking forward to see a favourite artist perform. The Black Keys, Arrested Development, Ben Harper, Kora, First Aid Kit, St Vincent & David Byrne all coming up in the next few months!

And, I'm especially excited that Lissie is currently back in the studio (according to her updates on Instagram, follow her @Lissiemusic) which means we'll be treated to new stuff from her soon enough too!

What is your go to track/album on a Friday arvo?

Enjoy your weekend!

Belinda x

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Woman's World

I've said it before, if there's one thing I'm really rather good at, it's shopping. It may actually be a bit of a problem but that's beside the point (!) One of my all time favourite things to do is shop for vintage. It always has been. It was born out of necessity, hitting the charity stores and markets for great clothes on a checkout chick's budget as a teenager. These days, in addition to the Thifts (yes, I've wholeheartedly adopted this Americanism) I've also got a stack of vintage and antique stores on high rotation as well. I will drive out of my way to visit a store I've heard about or driven past, or I'll spend hours scouring Etsy or my favourite online vintage stores. I just cant resist the urge to hunt for treasure. This particular kind of shopping takes patience and perseverance. Two things that I wouldn't normally use first to describe myself but it's finds like these that keep me hunting.

Last week I popped into a store near to where I work that I had caught my eye driving past. To say I was thrilled with these purchases is an understatement! It was emotional, we'll always be together (together in electric dreams)

So I bought two of those chairs, one now lives on our patio in the filtered sunlight and the other sits beside a little girls bed for story time. That beautiful vintage Mexican bedspread is soon to be laid out on her bed for the warmer summer nights too. 

Then there's Woman's World, the self proclaimed "bible" for the woman "who cares" and is as vital to her as her femininity. This beautiful hardcover tome published in Melbourne, has guidance for the modern '60's woman on everything from buying a car, business etiquette, domestic bliss and grooming to sports explanations and how to address important people "May it please Your Majesty..."

It is one of my most favourite finds ever. It now takes pride of place on the bookshelf in the dining room, at arms length for reference and giggles during (or preparing for) dinner parties.

Hope you're having a lovely week!

Belinda x

Friday, 5 October 2012


Last weekend, Rich and I spent a night in the city to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It was so nice to be tourists in our home town, stopping to soak up the details and appreciate this ridiculous view that we drive by almost every day.

My sister joined us for a few hours too. It's still such a novelty that we're now finally in the same city and can catch up on the spur-of-the-moment. So good!

Belinda x
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