Monday, 31 March 2014

13: Marie

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

Marie and my sister have been besties since childhood. A talented art director, Marie is creative, funny, down to earth, incredibly thoughtful and loyal. She is a beauty inside and out. 

Five and a half months ago, Marie and her husband Daniel became parents for the first time. A beautiful, inquisitive, happy girl named Penelope. At thirty, they were the first of their friends to become parents so it's been quite a learning curve. Marie tells me it took her the first three months to really embrace motherhood and accept all the changes that came with it. After Penny was born, she felt overwhelming social and personal pressures to return to the person she was pre-motherhood, both physically and mentally. She's since acknowledged that after such a life changing experience, it's perfectly ok to have a scar. To skip going for a run in order to spend precious moments with her growing baby girl. To prioritise her time focusing on the things she is most passionate about - family, friends and being creative.

Whilst becoming parents has without doubt, been the best thing to happen to Marie and Daniel, Marie admits that her toughest adjustment was having to become completely selfless. Life was no longer just about the two of them. This realisation has in turn given Marie a deeper appreciation for her own parents and all they have done / continue to do for them. Knowing now that this profound desire to be completely selfless for her daughter will never leave her.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x

Sunday, 23 March 2014

12: Kelly

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

Meet Kelly. Gregarious and down to earth, wife and mother of two cuddly kids. I mean, have you ever seen such a smiley totem pole?! As cousins, Kel and I share wonderful childhood memories - lounge room concerts, make up and hair crimping, family road trips all encapsulated in the warm hue of nostalgia. But it was in our early twenties, as flatmates, that our friendship was fortified forever. Earlier this year, Kel and I travelled to Cambodia together with work. I can admit I struggled after a challenging first few days. Just as I started to feel overwhelmed, very out of my depth and rather alone, she was there with a glass of wine and a shoulder to lean on. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her. She may be petite but Kel is a force of heart.

The path of motherhood is never easy but Kel is quick to tell me with such gratitude how much her children have taught her. How they've made her look at the world differently. How they constantly challenge her to consider her own beliefs and most of all, how they remind her that in every moment of darkness there's always a ray of sunshine waiting to break through. 

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x

Monday, 17 March 2014

11: Nicole

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

When Nicky met her husband Dave fourteen years ago, she knew instantly that they were meant to be together. They married three years later with hopes for a large family. While Nicky currently works part time in early childhood education, her passion lies in children's literature. She dreams of one day bringing her ideas for children's books to life.

I met Nicky through Sarah who thoughtfully suggested we meet. You see, for those of us whose journey to motherhood are somewhat fraught, it can make such a difference to know you're not alone.

Nicky and Dave became parents to Frankie in late 2012, after nine years of fertility treatments, special diets, herbs, teas, 'relaxing' holidays and exploring every whim and theory available. As Rich and I go into our fifth year of trying for a baby of our own, we share many of the same experiences. I'm so grateful to be getting to know Nicky, she's incredibly down to earth, generous and kind. Something I noticed about her the moment we met is the way she looks at Frankie, her gaze is so full of grace and peace. It stops my heart. It gives me hope.

In Nicky's words, telling me about when Frankie was born:

"Gosh there's no words. There was a very long time I thought I'd never be a mum, my body seemed to keep failing me but once we worked out how to heal the problems, Ta da!!! Now every day with Frankie is a blessing."

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x

Sunday, 9 March 2014

10: Sarah

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

Sarah and I met at work, eight or so years back. They were the days of legendary office pranks and crazy overseas junkets business trips. Or long lunches that would move onto a karaoke bar (Rock DJ by Robbie Williams. Every.Time) then dancing in town till the sun came up. Not even a broken ankle and crutches would hold her back. She's great fun. Sarah has a brilliant sense of humour and can tell a good story. Even the most ordinary of tales, told by Sarah, can everyone in hysterics. Sarah adores her husband and their three beautiful young children. I asked her for her thoughts on motherhood, true to form her response was searingly honest;

"I think what stands out the most for me is, I was totally unaware how fiercely you could love another human being. I remember when I was pregnant with Lilly, I was genuinely worried that I wouldn't love her as much as Molly because I didn't think it was humanly possibly to love another person as much as I loved her. Of course, as soon as Lilly arrived, my love for her was just as strong. And the same again with Charlie. Somehow there was enough room in my heart for all three. Still to this day, it never ceases to amaze me how strong your love for your children is. You would literally do ANYTHING for them."

Sarah is genuine, thoughtful and incredibly loyal. She's been there for me with unwavering support over the years. She's one of the best chicks around and I'm lucky to call her a friend.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x

Sunday, 2 March 2014

9: Amy

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

This is my dear friend Amy. Mother, tea lover and legendary mars bar slice maker. 

We met by chance in 1988 (!!)  As luck would have it, we went on to become mates in high school, flatmates in our twenties and to this day, remain best of friends. Our friendship has stood the test of time due to mutual love and respect, honesty, compassion and a good solid dose of humour. When we finished high school, Amy went straight into an Electrotechnology Electrician apprenticeship and became a lift mechanic. Imagine! This gorgeous girl of barely eighteen, having the courage and self belief to take on such a male dominated industry. She shrugs it off but I've always been in awe of this fact. So proud of her fearlessness. Amy was the first in our group of friends to become a mother. She's now mum to three wonderful, lucky children. After spending a year with her youngest, she's recently gone back on the tools part time. Stolen moments are spent indulging her Pinterest addiction. A feisty mechanic with awesome hair, marching to the beat of her own drum. She's amiable but she wont be influenced beyond her will, beliefs or care-factor. Amy has one of those genuine and endearing personalities that shines and everyone loves to be around. Anyone else drawing parallels between Amy and Charlene Robinson/Kylie Minogue?!

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x
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