Thursday, 14 February 2013

Beloved, still

Valentine from elsieandjoan on Vimeo.

I realise this is rather lazy, a reposting of my valentine from last year. But I just watched it again and it made my heart explode so, I decided it's my blog and I'm the boss round here ;-)

Maybe I'll do a new one next year. Or maybe I'll just use this one again...we'll see.

This man makes me feel like the luckiest.

Belinda x


  1. so very sweet Belinda! 2 sure do have a lot of fun x

    1. Thanks Allison. Most of the footage is from an amazing holiday we took to Hawaii a few years back. We have fun. He makes me laugh, that's the best bit :-) Belinda x

  2. Loved it!!! Just gorgeous, i hope to meet Mr Billie one day ;-) xx

    1. Belinda, I cant believe you havnt met him! Has it been that long since we've seen each other? This must be fixed asap. xx

  3. What a couple of spunks! Has anyone ever told you you're two peas from the same pod? I think the adoration is mutual x

  4. you two are the sweetest! Can't wait to capture another very special time in your lives x


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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