Monday, 19 May 2014

19: Dorothy

Portraits - the Motherhood series.

According to Irish lore, women proposing marriage on a leap year is considered good luck. Dorothy met her husband John at a wedding. But it was a year later in a Dublin pub that they became a couple. Dorothy jokes that they would still be dating now if she didn't take matters into her own hands. After five years, she bought herself a ring and proposed on February 29. 

Dorothy, John and their lovely daughter Laura (5) arrived in Australia from Ireland four years ago. Dorothy works part time as a Pharmacist and says the best thing about her job is the connection to people in the community. She's generous, very family oriented and cares deeply about people. Dorothy also has a charming sense of humour. She's great fun to be around.

In motherhood, Dorothy has taken many cues from her own mother. She's learned to trust her instincts and not to be intimidated by other parenting styles, instead applying what makes sense for her family. She says the hardest thing to say to your child is no, in order to teach them life long values. Especially since "You would love to buy them the sun, moon and stars" 

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series links in the right sidebar of this page.

In case you're wondering about the inspiration for this year's Motherhood portrait series, you can read more about it here.

Belinda x


  1. Beautiful photo friend! And I love her thoughts on being a mom...instincts are best! Oh and the part about her taking matters into her own hands by buying a ring is just awesome! Happy week to you!!!

  2. Love that advice....nothing is more truer when parenting teens....the pressure to conform can be huge...we need to contain to parent according to our beliefs not that of others. Xx


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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