Saturday, 21 January 2012

Our quiet corner of the world

Balance.  This, I've decided, is my mantra for 2012. 

I was lucky enough to take a couple of weeks off work over the Christmas / New Year period and to say I got a dose of perspective is an understatement!  Clarity came in the lovely quiet moments after all the festivities were over.  Don't get me wrong, it was a wonderfully magical Christmas with a wide-eyed four year old and truly special time spent with beloved family and friends.  But once we rang in the new year, took down the christmas decorations and the leftovers were all but gone, I stopped, bathed in the sunshine, watched the ocean and internalised.

Now, I work full time for an IT company and; I do enjoy it.  It's dynamic, challenges me, pushes me to new heights, rewards me…but, I realised, it was also consuming me. 

Something started to tweak when I realised that my drivers license had expired 3 months ago without me even noticing (thanking my lucky stars I wasn't pulled over!) Then as I did some spring cleaning it got worse, I hadn't yet updated all of my personal effects to my new married name, despite having our 1 year anniversary last September; I had medicare claims dating back to 2010, a list of craft projects piling up etc.  Where have I been all this time? I mentioned this to my husband and when he replied by saying "I tried to get through to you, I tried to ask you to slow down but taking you were too stressed to hear it" I stopped in my tracks. I had been hurtling through life without stock of the really important things, my heart sank.  Talk about having blinkers on!

Well, it was a beautiful summers morning, one of those glorious shining ones.  My husband and I were quietly chatting at the beach with our coffee's, taking it all in, when the idea of this blog came up.  I've always wanted to have other outlets, much more creative ones outside of my day job.  Many creative ideas have long been in the back of my mind but I've never known which first steps to take or found the time. I'm by no means a writer but I used to keep a journal and found it therapeutic, and over the past year or so I've become a huge blogaholic, regularly loosing hours down the rabbit hole and constantly inspired by all kinds of people who share their stories and ideas.

It felt right.  It feels like something that will help me find balance, take stock once in a while and appreciate all the great things in my life.  It's also an opportunity to share with others, connect.

So, we'll see where it takes us.  I've got some ideas on what I want this blog to be, and what it isn't.  I'll get to all that in due course, but for now - I've taken that first step and I gotta say, I feel pretty happy about it!

I hope you'll want to share this quiet corner of the world with me too :-)

Belinda x

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