Saturday, 11 February 2012


Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel & Gretel.  They all had one.  An alarmingly common theme in fairy tales and even Chinese Literature.

The Evil Stepmother.

As opposed to the Mother, Father, Fairy Godmother, even a bunch of moody dwarfs - the Stepmother is always a villain. Why is that??

As a Stepmother myself, of the non-evil variety (yes, we exist!) I find the association with this cruel, selfish and hateful group of the sisterhood rather unfair!

For want of a better term, my 'Stepdaughter' and I have such a wonderful relationship.  The 'Step' reference feels awkward and impersonal and belies the beauty and depth of our bond.

She is a thoughtful, kind, sweet, bright, funny & creative girl. It's wonderful being a part of her life and watching her grow into a confident little lady.  I take my role as a parent and role model for her seriously.

I'm not her mum and haven't ever tried to be.  She has known me for as long as she can remember. We've grown in this together. She knows I love her with all I have and that I would do anything to protect her.  Just as she knows this from her Father, Mother and her mothers partner.  There's room in her family portrait for all of us. And she's all the better for it.

And so am I. Infinitely.

Richard and I would so love to give her a brother or sister but our efforts over the past few years have been challenging, to say the least.  We remain hopeful that our luck will change (ok, maybe hopeful is a stretch for me right now if I'm honestbut I am trying to be positive). I turned 35 this week.  And motherhood, whether it's naturally gifted or through means like IVF or adoption - is the one thing I wish for. 

But I do realise how lucky I am to have this family of mine.  My life is rich and full with them in it.  All the world and half a pea, I love them even more than this.

Belinda x

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