Sunday, 5 August 2012

Green Thumb

My Grandpa had beautiful hands. I loved the way he would clasp my hands in his, or gently squeeze my shoulders after a hug, his sparkling blue-grey eyes smiling at me.  His hands could build engines, make or mend anything and had two of the greenest thumbs ever. He was an amazing gardener. Every day at the break of dawn, he would be up and out, either tending to the garden or tinkering away on a project in his Kaboodle (shed) down the back.  His beautiful garden was thoughtful and considered, a breathtaking living artwork, always so tenderly cared for.

Ever since we moved into our first house earlier this year with a garden to call our own, I've become rather obsessed about growing our own veggies and herbs and attempting to grow plants in beautiful pots that don't die within a month. I'd like to believe that I innately have Grandpa's gardening genes, I've just got to work out where they've been hiding and hone those skills.

Truth is, I've never been good for a garden or a pot plant. I'm a serial killer but I am committed to change. I'm just not consistent, that's the issue. I'm now consciously trying to get into a routine. It's never meant that much to me, but now I get a ridiculous amount of self satisfaction when I've remembered to water the plants and prune dead leaves (there are always dead leaves, I don't think there should always be but there are) but when it's been a while and I can see they are starting to look miserably at me, thirsty, I get anxious with guilt!

I leave them a while too long, then I overwater. I'm sure I'm doing all the wrong things but I'm slowly working out the independents and the needys, who needs what light - I'm hoping that soon, it will all start to come more naturally. We'll see.

Spring is coming and the next project is to complete the transformation of what was originally a pond into our very own veggie patch. We'll be letting the soil settle in over the next few weeks then plan to plant in Spring. I've only just heard of mushroom compost and am now wishing we had've used that but I'm sure this organic potting mix will be just fine.

 I've started a wishlist of what I'd like to plant in this, my very first veggie patch.
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Green beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Maybe even a Plum tree??

Oh man, if I can actually grow stuff to eat from my own garden - I will be so flippin impressed with myself. I want to keep aiming for a more sustainable approach to how we consume, I love the link to our food in our own backyard particularly for the little one. It's not groundbreaking but it's a start.  From little things, big things grow*

If you have any tips or ideas, please do share - clearly I'm flying blind here and could use all the help I can get!

Belinda x

* reference to this Paul Kelly song.


  1. oh i'm a bit jealous! i wish i had a garden, but for now i should just feel luck i get to live in inner sydney :)

    1. Before moving to the beaches, I lived in the inner west of Sydney for 12 years. I miss it ALOT! I dreamed of a garden then too, but there's so much to love about living in the heart of Sydney! Maybe one of these vertical gardens from the Bower would suit your space?

  2. I'm just impressed you're hazarding a maiden-hair. I have tried, oh, I have tried. Heart gets broken every time!

    1. oh man, the iron-maiden is a heartbreaker!! That is my second one in 6 months and she's already looking weary. I've come to terms with the fact that the maidens dont last forever but I'm going to keep trying to figure them out. A tip is to leave them soaking in a sink of water overnight once a week, the soil should always be moist. So I'm told ;-)

  3. They do last forever tho, that's the most heartbreaking thing. They just need the right carer. )-: When my last one started to flag, I took it to my mum's. She just put it casually somewhere (on her verandah, actually, outdoor verandah, in the blue mts too, so it's cold and dry!) and it's flourishing. Going bananas, in fact. The soaking is good but I'm told the key is finding the right place for them. Fickle, beautiful things....

  4. Really?? hmm...I dont think I've found the right spot for mine, maybe outside would be better.


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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