Sunday, 10 March 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: precious halcyon days.
We: have thoroughly enjoyed being on the beach by 8.30am most Sunday's for the Little One's first year in Nippers. On days like this, especially.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel

My favourite portraits from last week were by Rachel, Katrina and Mel. All were 'new to me' blogs, I'm loving the discovery and the personal connections that come with this project.

You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x


  1. Enjoy your beachy time! I'd give anything to be resting in the sand at this moment. Love the pretty colored streamers fluttering in the breeze. Lovely end of summer day!

    1. Thanks Meryl. I think Autumn might be the new Summer around here. Fingers crossed! Hopefully wont be too long before Spring arrives in Budapest! Belinda x

  2. great summery shots Belinda, im a wee bit jealous....after 5 straight weeks of rain up here the summery shots are few and far between!.
    have a great week
    Allison x

    1. Oh yeah, 5 weeks of rain is rough! These shots are a little deceiving as we too have had a fair bit of rain here, mostly on the weekends too which is annoying! But when the sun comes out, all is forgiven! Belinda x

  3. as per usual i'm feeling mighty envious of your sunny days, it's snowing and blowing a freezing siberian gale here. is that a metal ewok on the shelf above richard's head?!

  4. Hi Belinda,

    I really LOVE your take on this project - taking portraits of your lovely husband there is such a beautiful idea.... I'm really chuffed that you like my February portraits, thank you :-)

    Mel x

    1. Thanks Mel! I loved your portraits, and your blog has been a lovely discovery - I look forward to following along. Belinda x

  5. A metal pig, although Rich would be loads happier if I had chosen a metal ewok to live with the potplants on the porch! He doesn't dig the pig, at all! I hope sunshine breaks through for you soon lovely. Being by the sea is great in most any weather, but snowing and blowing a gale sounds pretty harsh! Bxx


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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