Wednesday 27 March 2013

Come here often?

Before I started blogging, I was an avid blogoholic but never signed up to follow any blogs and hardly ever commented on posts. Mainly because I didn't really know how and why it even mattered anyway. I loved reading and established favourite blogs where I'd never miss a post. But believe it or not, it never actually occurred to me that the blogger might like to know I was reading and how much I was enjoying it.

Once I started blogging for myself, I suddenly realised that the online community here thrives with interaction. It's a relationship and it works best if it's a two-way conversation.

If you're reading, I'd love to get to know you better. 

I'm thinking about how best to do that, whether a facebook page makes sense. I don't think I can handle adding Twitter or Pinterest to the mix right now, I barely have any spare time as it is! As a start, I've updated the buttons in the sidebar where you can click to follow this blog or choose to receive post updates via email.

In case you are looking for a new reader, like I am, perhaps you would like to Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

Shy and prefer to watch from the sidelines? That's ok too, I get it. I'm glad you're here.

Belinda x


  1. I use and am following you with Bloglovin and I must say I do Love Bloglovin. x

    1. I'm new to Bloglovin, but it seems pretty user-friendly so far :-) Thanks so much for following! Belinda x

  2. I'm reading! And my heart aches for you as I follow your journey. Your optimism is something to be proud of. X

    Your photos are getting better and better!
    Jealous. X

    Remember me? We met at Tim's place. X

    1. Peta! So nice to hear from you! Thanks so much for such kind comments, they really mean alot. As for the photos, I'm still shooting in manual which is worlds away from where I was before The Nursery. The weekly portraits project is keeping the camera in hand which is great. Loving it! Stay in touch lovely, are you on instagram or something? Belinda XX

    2. Yes I'm on insta - @ musingsofamartin :)

  3. Yoo-hoo! I'm here! (But you already knew that) xx

  4. Hello! Having a peek around. Just lovely. Trying to work out who Elsie and Joan are? xo

    1. Hi, thanks for popping by and letting me know you're here :-)
      Elsie and Joan are two amazing women that I have been the luckiest to know, and call Nana. I have done a few posts on each of them back in early 2012, the first was here:
      It just made sense to name the blog after them, they are so much a part of me and what I aspire to be. Belinda xx

    2. I love the name Elsie, so pretty. xo

  5. I'm reading!! You are in my blogroll, it's easier to read you...
    I love to know better how is life in the other side of world!

    1. Hi Ines. I was excited to see E&J in your blogroll, you are the first to do so, thank you! I've returned the favor. It's lovely to see life through the eyes of friends in faraway places :-) Belinda xx


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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