Saturday, 15 June 2013


Reflecting on the past year or so, it's become quite clear that I've been in the midst of my own creative renaissance. It all started, funnily enough with a class called The Nursery. It sparked something. I remember being really quite nervous to attend but I'll never forget the feeling afterwards having spent a day with like-minded people, learning and creating. I sat across the dinner table from Richard that night, eyes alight and talking at pace, euphoric. 

Since then, it's been a fairly steady stream of creative classes, crafternoons and workshops. It's been a really organic, almost sub-conscious process. I've felt compelled down this path, more and more it feels like I'm listening to my heart. Having a creative outlet balances out EVERYTHING else.

Rich always teases me about being shy in social situations. He is the one who can get into a deep discussion with a stranger about the merits of compression pants or some such. I'm much more comfortable once a connection has been established. Meeting new people can be awkward, daunting. Just the term 'networking' makes me shudder. But I tell you what, each time I've gone to a class or workshop, I've met at least one person that I really like chatting to and oftentimes, stay in touch with. And it's such a nice thing!

I'm realising that the connections with people, being a part of a community, this is inspiring me as much as the learning of things. This blog and the community of incredible people that I connect with in the blogosphere was the initial catalyst for this renaissance. 

Rachel Botsman gave a fantastic TED talk about how technology is enabling us to get back to the community philosophies that are intrinsically human. Moving away from the culture of Me, hyper-consumerism and greed that has dominated the last few decades, and back to a culture of We, of community, sustainability, sharing, connecting. If it weren't for social media platforms, I might never have come across all of these creative people and opportunities to learn and share. The internet is making it easier for us to connect to our global village. 

Thanks to Facebook and Instagram, I now have a beautiful hand made wall tapestry created by Maryanne Moodie, dream weaver extraordinaire. And, when weaving classes taught by Maryanne opened up at The School last month, I took a deep breath, ignored those usual first thoughts of apprehension and registered. Maryanne is as great a teacher as she is a weaver. And Megan Morton is the ultimate host. We delighted in the make your own pavlova trolley that was organised for afternoon tea - SO. Flipping. Good. Weaving is such a rewarding and addictive craft, you can achieve the most amazing creations if you know a few simple basics.

If you're in Brisbane or Hobart, I think there are still spots in Maryanne's final classes before she moves to NYC. The most beautiful, fun, inspiring few hours you could hope for, with a bunch of nice folks. Cannot recommend it enough. You can book here.

I'd love to hear about any great classes or creative communities out there, online or in real life. If you know of any please do share in the comments below.

Belinda x


  1. likeminded chickadees doing what makes them happy (and eating pav!)...doesn't get much better xx
    ps compression pants?? lol

    1. Ha! Yep. They're basically performance enhancing tights for the gym. He'll know all the technical details, riveting stuff ;-) B x


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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