Saturday, 6 July 2013

Op shopping, the spills and thrills

I didn't buy these chairs when I saw them at a local op shop last week. And I'm still gutted about it. I've been looking for an upholstery project to work on with my Dad for a while now, and these guys would have been perfect! My mind just wasn't on the job, I was looking for vintage scrabble games at the time, I took these snaps and breezed out of the store thinking hmmm, maybe but the light bulb hadn't gone off.

By the time I got home, I'd already imagined the type of fabric we'd recover them with and how amazing they would look modernised and freshened up. I HAD to return the next day to get them.

It wasn't to be. I returned to find that someone else had beat me to it. Well played, op shopping shape shifter, well played. 

On the upside however, since I was there anyway, I did the obligatory hot lap and scored a couple of prize finds.

All for under twenty bucks! I adore the dress, and was amazed to find that it still had the sale tags attached. It's pretty rare to find a vintage dress that hasn't ever been worn. After being inspired by our local speakeasy style bar, I plan on putting tea lights in those beautiful cut glass jugs and watch the light dancing off the crystal as we sit under nana blankets drinking red wine this winter.

Belinda xx


  1. Love your finds, the dress is so pretty. I have a growing collection of cut glass jugs. Use them in the morning with the kids so they can pour their own milk. xo

  2. lovely dress Belinda...will be perfect when spring decides to arrive. oh and those chairs would of been fab!...doh! Al x

    1. Thanks, Al. I cant wait for it to be warm enough to wear it! Those chairs, I'll forever regret letting them get away! B xx


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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