Thursday 18 July 2013


Over the weekend I had work deadlines looming, anxiety over meeting them making me feel heavy and lead-footed. Fortunately, having to work on a weekend doesn't happen often but I resent it all the same. I knew I had to put in a few good hours but I kept putting it off. 

Sunday morning rolled around and despite promising myself that I would get up early and get it done before anything else, the sun shone bright and my loves and I took the morning slowly.

We packed a picnic and spent hours at the park followed by a stint by the sea on our way home. The little one chased the shore and clambered over rock pools while we soaked in the last of the afternoon sun.

I worked very late into the night. I didn't mind too much. The distractions were worth it.

Belinda x

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect day. The sea is soooo good for the soul. xo


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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