Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Flashmob from elsieandjoan on Vimeo.

I love a flashmob*. I love everything about them. The dancing, the music, the secret planning. I love that a seemingly ordinary moment turns into a few minutes of pure joy and celebration for those people who are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to experience it. There's not enough joy for the sake of joy in this world. I. Love. Flashmobs.

I have aspirations of being in a flashmob one day. But I think the only thing better than being in a flashmob, is one that's done in your honour.

Which is what happened to me. 

And, Oprah. We're totally kindred now.

I have such amazing friends and family. I'm still floored by the thought and effort that went into this and I will honestly treasure it forever. I've watched it a hundred times already, my cheeks are sore from all the smiling.

If you're wondering about the backstory, I wrote about my flashmob story here.

Otherwise, settle in and enjoy a few minutes of joy, just for the sake of it.

Belinda x

* The term 'flashmob' is used to describe a movement where groups of people gather for spontaneous public performances at pre-planned locations. Sometimes their intention is to bring awareness to a cause or they may have commercial links. But many are just to surprise an unsuspecting public.


  1. That is so awesome...your family and friends certainly had every angle very special. xxx

  2. Firstly you look gorgeous! I love flash mobs, and would love to be a part of one. You have an amazing group of friends and family xoxo


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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