Sunday, 19 January 2014

3: Thai Dany

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

Thai Dany is a mother of three. She is a teacher at a school at Angkor in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Her two eldest children attend the school as students. She brings the youngest along every day because there is no-one to look after him at home while she works. I met Thai Dany thanks to a work charity event, we built bikes, a playground and planted a veggie garden for the children that attend her school. I took Thai Dany's portrait at four thirty in the afternoon - the end of the school day. The kids were lining up for final role call before heading home. Her youngest was hungry and irritable, she supervised the students in the yard whilst responding tenderly to his cries. When we spoke, her warmth and her quick smile were the things I noticed most.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series button in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x


  1. What an amazing opportunity to meet such hard working people. Thanks for sharing her with us. X

  2. A beautiful portrait and such a lovely idea for the portrait series. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. This rocks friend! The fact that you were able to contribute so much good to this school just makes my heart sing! A job well done!!! This is what it's all about and my goodness God Bless Thai Dany for having a smile on her face after teaching all day while trying to keep watch over her little guy! Love this!!! Nicole xoxo


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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