Sunday, 5 January 2014

1: Belinda

Portraits - the Motherhood series. 

And so it begins, my second year of the weekly portrait project. Last year, I took 52 portraits of my husband and our marriage. It was an immensely rewarding experience. 

This year, I have decided to extend this project to celebrate motherhood. Mothers are so often behind the camera, capturing hundreds of precious memories of their families. I look at our own family photo albums and I'm rarely in the pictures. I intend to turn the lens around and put mothers front and centre. 

As many of you know, Richard and I have had a rather challenging journey over the past few years in trying to expand our family. I have to admit I am a little nervous about this portrait project. I wonder whether I will have the fortitude to complete it. My hope is that in celebrating motherhood, it will give me strength and inspiration in turn. We shall see.

1 ~ Me.
I'm a step-mum to a beautiful six year old girl. We first met when she was six months old, I fell in love with her instantly. We have a wonderful, precious bond and I love her as my own child. Being her step-mum is my saving grace. I will forever be indebted to her for this gift. My portrait, taken by the little one herself during our recent Mother/Daughter day out to Sydney's Luna Park.

You can view all of my portraits from 2013/14 by clicking on the Portrait Series button in the right sidebar of this page.

Belinda x


  1. beautiful photo :) looking forward to more of your 52 weeks!

  2. celebrate indeed! look gorgeous x

  3. So very brave of you...I did think of jumping in front of the camera but...the kids are so much easier to that your little one took the first pic. xxx

  4. Just beautiful. I have a very similar series in mind for this year focusing on the mother being in the picture x

  5. Fantastic idea, Belinda. It's so true, moms never make it into any picture and it's a shame. Very cool that your little gal took the 1/52 shot!

  6. I enjoyed your take on the 52 Project last year Belinda, and I'm already loving your idea behind the portraits for this year. I'm finally taking part in the 52 Project this year, but I haven't decided on a specific theme or angle. Wishing you all the best for 2014. Vanisha xoxox

  7. This is going to be a fantastic project friend....and just so you know I am crying as I jumped over and read your journey about becoming a mom. Don't give WILL HAPPEN! I had 4 miscarriages before my sweet Josie Mae was born. And then they told me I would have to come back to see them if I ever wanted another. Well my next 2 sweet beans came and proved them wrong. I know the depths of the feelings you are feeling. Please know that if you ever need to talk about anything that I am hear to listen....what a beautiful shot of you! Nicole xoxo

  8. What a wonderful way to star a new year in the most beautiful project: the motherhood.
    Happy new year!!

  9. So beautiful Belinda x
    Motherhood is such a miraculous gift, I never fully appreciated this until recent years, this is a lovely idea for the 52 portraits project. I look forward to your posts.

  10. Happy New Year…a little belated! I think your 52 project sounds special. May this be the year for you and Richard, may your soar high, and may the sun shine on you and your dreams. With love R


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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