Tuesday, 10 April 2012

I should be packing boxes

Poolside, The Entrance Beach pool

How about my first attempt at a GIF eh? Fancy pants ;-)  I was picturing a much slower, breezy movement but I probably needed more than two frames to achieve that. Oh well, this is all very new to me so I'm quite proud of it none-the-less!

We're moving into our new home tomorrow! Living in a shamble of boxes at the moment, and I'm easily distracted from the task at hand (!) but we've hired packers and movers so the bulk of the load will be taken off us.  I think it will turn out to be the cleverest thing we could have done.

We'll be in and relatively unpacked by the weekend, which is supposed to bring more amazing weather to the east coast.  Happiness!

A few more glimpses of our lovely Easter weekend away up the coast, sometimes it takes a grey afternoon to really see the colours.

Hopefully I can get back online sooner rather than later.  

See you on the other side!

Belinda x

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