Sunday, 8 April 2012

Pleasure Bound

Pleasure Bound! Ha, I bet that got your attention ;-)  *hint - be very careful with the google search on that one!*

This Easter long weekend we decided to head up to the NSW Central Coast to stay with some friends.  I was lucky enough to steal away a few hours on Saturday (thank you darling husband!) to check out a few vintage and antique stores that I had spied on our way in.  Who knew a little seaside town could be such a treasure trove!

So much so, I'll be making this a destination drive again soon, once we've moved and I know what it is I'm looking for to furnish and style the new digs.  I could have spent ALL DAY in these shops, check out my bounty:

- Advertisement for the 'Pleasure Bound' Vaudeville Revue at the Grand Opera House (formerly the Princess Theatre, then became the New Tivoli) in Sydney.  This poster is EIGHTY years old !!!!
- Polaroid Land Camera, Colourpack 82 (circa 1971 - 1975)
- Folding Box Brownie Camera (Introduced in 1937 -  discontinued in1940)
- 1950's Pyrex glass baby feeding bottle. Latest addition to my growing glass bottle collection.
- Early 1900's flat iron.  Will be used as a door stop!

Heck yes!  I'm SO thrilled with these little pieces of history, I can't even tell you. As a result, I've primarily spent the last few hours since getting home researching Australian Vaudeville (variety) Theatre. And it's fascinating!

Vaudeville didn't have the prestige of 'legitimate' theatre but it was quintessential Australian theatre in the early 1900's. The depression and the introduction of radio and talking pictures (movies) in the late 1920's meant that our colonial theatre industry suffered terribly, especially the performers, actors, musicians etc.  In the early 30's, J C Williamson was arguably the most prominent and successful theatre manager in Australia, his company was a bit of a powerhouse and was able to secure international artists and reduce prices of theatre tickets (you can see Matinee prices start at one shilling on the poster) to encourage people back to the theatre.  Otherwise in Sydney, traditional vaudeville gave way to revues and amateur productions or 'peoples theatre'.

George Wallace and Ella Shields were the headlining performers in the Pleasure Bound revue.  Both were very successful and much loved.  Larrakin George Wallace in particular was a very popular Australian comedic performer.  I've watched and listened to a few of his clips, I just love him. Check this video out! 

There isn't too much to be found on the Pleasure Bound revue itself, aside from ad's in the Sydney Morning Herald in 1932 describing it as a 'lively, laughable revue.  Pretty girls, funny ideas, beautiful costumes, brilliant dancing' - definitely worth a bob entry fee!

I am loving this beautiful keepsake of a lost art form. Vaudeville theatre officially died in the sixties when television completely took over as the popular form of entertainment. 

It feels a little like I'm in an episode of 'Who do you think you are?' This is part of my story as an Australian. I don't know whether I would ever have known all this if not for the discovery of this poster. How wonderful a gift it's proving to be.  Cant wait to have it appropriately mounted on a wall in our home and tell what I know of it's story to my guests in years to come!

Another cornerstone of Australian entertainment history.  But, a girls gotta draw the line somewhere ;-)

Belinda x

PS. I'm just as enamoured with the cameras and other amazing pieces but I have to stop myself from prattling on here, seriously I could go on about all of them all night!

1 comment:

  1. All this at The Entrance! I haven't been there for a while, will have to look a bit closer next time I drive through :-)


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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