Friday, 12 April 2013

Homepage for the homeless


Do you love shopping online? Me too.

Do you want to do something about youth homelessness in Australia? ME TOO!

It's shocking to think that literally tens of thousands of young people will be homeless in Australia tonight. 

I've just come across a fantastic initiative that, as a rather prolific online shopper I can't believe I didn't already know about.  Maybe you and your friends don't yet either.

Homepage for the Homeless is basically keyhole linking you to some major online shopping portals. These shopping sites offer a finders fee for directing customers to them. By clicking through these keyholes first, the finders fee goes towards projects addressing youth homelessness in Australia. It's so simple and clever!

It doesn't cost you anymore to shop this way, but any purchases you make will make a difference to a young person somewhere. If you're online shopping anyway, why not make it count, by starting here.

Happy Friday !

Belinda x

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