Friday 17 January 2014


The Cockatoo Island free audio tour. I highly recommend it!

Happy New Year! It's a bit late, I know. L
ife has gone by in a bit of a blur these past few months. All of a sudden a whole new year is here.

I hope your holidays left you with wonderful memories. Lots of delicious food, great company and plenty of rest. 

Festivus for us this year was pretty special. Starting with a long anticipated airport reunion with loved ones visiting from England. Family christmas feasts, an unforgettable New Years Eve glamping on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour, ferry rides, fun parks, picnics and meals shared outdoors and of course, as much time at the beach as we could fit in.

The new year brings promise of a fresh start. Soon I will go part time at work, hopefully bringing with it more balance, less stress. All in the name of giving us the best possible chances as we continue our journey to try and grow our family. I'm also aiming to carve out time to explore my creative aspirations. So many ideas have long taken a back seat. I look forward to having a little window of freedom to explore them.

I'm currently on a work trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It has been one of the most beautiful, confronting and rewarding experiences of my life, I cant wait to share more about this with you when I get back. Needless to say it has given me a good dose of perspective and gratitude for my many blessings.

Speaking of.... THANK YOU for coming back to visiting me here at Elsie and Joan. This little space will soon be two years old. I cannot even believe that! I look back and can see that my photography skills have improved. I'm finding and refining my writing voice. It's inspired me and pushed me out of my creative comfort zone. But most of all, it's 'meeting' you, your comments, support and friendship that have been the best part.

I'm feeling energised and ready to get into it. Come at me 2014!

Belinda x

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following along with you on your journey this year!!! Sounds like your trip is pure magic and I can't wait to hear more about it! Wishing you many blessings this year friend!!!! Nicole xo


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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