Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Boil the billy

I don't think I've ever drunk as much tea as I have in the past few months. This new habit has likely got a bit to do with the fact that Rich and I took the somewhat controversial decision to take a break from alcohol for an indefinite time. There's no firm rules or deadline - I've had the very occasional glass of red, but it's surprisingly becoming less important, less of a conscious choice and we're definitely seeing the health benefits. No promises come summer time but for now, my vice of choice is a cuppa tea.

For the perfect brew, how amazing does Lady Bonin's Tea Caravan look *swoon*  Organic, fair trade tea leaves no less. Lady Bonin's based out of South Africa, so alas I wont be visiting any time soon but I've long had whimsical dreams of one day owning a shop that operates out of a vintage caravan so this is 

Seriously, I want to live IN these pictures!  If by chance you live nearby this travelling magical caravan of dreams, please go and check it out. Then tell me just how wonderful it was, I'll live vicariously through you :-)


Belinda x

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