Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Gahh! Winter. Doing your gloomy best to dampen spirits already. 

I'm finding myself drawn down t'internet rabbit hole in search of colour, looking for ways to translate that feeling of summer into a winter wardrobe. Stalking blogs in the northern hemisphere where summertime's makin' the livin easy. Daydreaming of Hawaii, those magical islands keep sending us calls to come back. If only the budget would oblige, I would spirit away to warmer days in a heartbeat!

So, without the inspiration of the sunshine and the sea that I have become really rather dependant on, the highlight of our first Winter weekend was cracking out my new Isabel Marant boots (see above). Seriously.

That, and the Mister Zimi pop up store in Paddington, Sydney.  Now for me, this is Autumn / Winter colour inspiration! Check out that plummy goodness.

The pop up store is open till the end of this week - highly recommended if you can get there. I stopped by after work last Friday, the city in peak hour was gridlocked EV-ER-Y-WHERE but that 20 minute pitstop and the subsequent Aztec Tee and Coral Grandpa cardi purchase, made it all worthwhile.  Seriously, go. Now!

If you cant get there to try on the new Autumn/Winter collection in person, they now have an online store too! huzzah!

More wild weather on it's way, stay warm Sydney siders.

For those of you currently enjoying Summertime.....bah humbug! No really, enjoy it for me wont you! 

Belinda x

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