Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Mis Amigos

On the weekend, I was reminded again how important my girlfriends are to me.  New friends to the oldest friends, all of them have enriched my life. How lucky I am to have friends to lean on, draw inspiration from, compare notes, laugh with.

We women dont generally take time for ourselves too often. Life seems to move faster every day. Family, work, errands, sometimes much less important things, monopolise our time and, before long, it feels like a lifetime between jugs of sangria with the girls! (or Daiquiri Mocktails as the case may be)

On saturday morning, a couple of us hit the road early and escaped the city for a glorious day of lunch, laughs, sharing stories and generally catching up on the things we never get around to chatting about when limited by time to facebook updates or that ten minutes over the phone driving home from work or cooking dinner for the family etc.  It felt a bit like coming back to centre.

This whole idea was practically forced on us by Katie-Sue who offered up her family holiday house as our base camp.  I'm glad you stuck to your guns KS, I know we're all the better for it.  Thank you! xx

Thanks also to the lovely staff at Rojo Rocket - especially Matt - who made us feel so welcome to sit back in the sun and relax all afternoon in their fantastic mexican restaurant. It was perfect! Recommended!

Gangster handsign to ma homies.

Belinda x

* Music source: 'Wise up' by Ruby Boots A fab band unearthed by Triple J, this beautiful song is currently available for free download, go check 'em out!

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