Sunday, 6 January 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: prefers to read eBooks, usually Sci-Fi. Currently reading Wool, apparently "a real page turner" !
We: have resolved to try and eat earlier and take more evening walks together.

Belinda x

*EDIT: Participating in the 52 Portraits project led by Jodi at Che & Fidel.


  1. I love your take on the photo journal - such a lovely idea x

    1. Thanks Victoria, it came at just the right time! I'm looking forward to it. x

  2. Loving your take on the challenge. I never seem to get pics with my hubby any more, I'm going to have to rectify that!

    1. Same here Jade! ALL of our photos are of the little one. I just hope he gets used to having the camera pointed at him more often ;-) x

  3. Love your 'rule bending' ;-). Fabulous photos too x

  4. I like the shadow photo :) I am changing things up too.. week 1 portrait of my kids (all 3 of them) week 2 a portrait of me and yet to be decided for the other 2
    Gonna have a look around your blog now

    1. Oh, great idea Lisa! I look forward to following along. I've decided to try and capture more shots of myself this year too, I've become the invisible person behind the camera. I hope you enjoyed your stay here Lisa, you're welcome anytime ;-) Belinda x

  5. oh my...i love your shadow photo. this is cool, doing him and then you and him together. lovely.


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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