Thursday, 10 January 2013

Last light

A recent evening walk together in the last magical hour of light, followed with dinner at the local sushi restaurant.

Tonight we went for run together. I didn't enjoy that nearly as much (at all) !

Belinda x

*All photos of me plus the moss green rocks, taken by Richard.


  1. Hi, I found you via Che and Fidel and loved reading older posts. This dress is fabulous. We have 3 adopted children, 5 years ago we became parents and I remember being so excited filling in the first papers - congrats xx
    Jodie, Mrs Quince's Business

    1. Hi Jodie, thanks for stopping by and for your comment. It's an exciting yet daunting path, so it's especially nice to hear from people who have gone through it themselves. I'm going to follow your internet breadcrumbs home Mrs Quince and catch up on your story too! I hope you'll stay in touch. Thanks again. Belinda x


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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