Sunday, 6 January 2013

The 52 Project - A portrait a week

It's been quiet here. Wonderfully, beautifully, oh, so quiet. 

Something that I seem to always be reminded of at this time of year, when there is room to slow down and reflect, is just how blessed I am and how important it is to appreciate that in the moment. In the face of the stressful or trying times, more in spite of them! 

What has really struck a chord with me lately is the truth that "these are the good old days". As we continue our journey to try and fill this house with children, I'm aiming to try not to focus on what we don't have, to not take our treasures here and now for granted. 

I'm aiming to put my marriage first this year. Before trying for a baby, before work, I'm putting Richard at the top of my priority list.  He's already waaay up there, he's amazing and we have a sublime life together. Our marriage is something I'm most proud of and grateful for. I want him to always know just how much I appreciate him, how much he makes me a better version of myself, how drop dead handsome I think he is! 

Even when, especially when, there are more mountains to climb yet, in order to reach our dream to become parents together. To give the Little One (my darling step-daughter) brothers/sisters.

It's easy to say all this whilst on holidays, lazy days by the sea easily fill my heart and mind with idealistic aspirations. I told Rich I needed something to hold onto this feeling of clarity and perspective throughout the year. When the weather cools, when work gets crazy busy, when life throws in a few flying kicks.

So, I'm participating in the 52 Series project, led by Jodi and Ché and Fidel. I will post a portrait each week of Richard; and our life together. Jodi and the wonderfully talented Rebekka Seale have created the gorgeous new button you'll find in my sidebar. I'm excited about taking on a year long challenge. One which will inspire my photography practice and best of all, serve as a constant reminder to cherish our marriage, these good old days that we're lucky enough to be sharing together.

A warning; it may very well get cheesy from time to time. Such is my nature as a hopeless romantic! I hope you'll enjoy following along none-the-less!

Belinda x

PS. I plan to link all of my 52 posts to the button on the side-bar. And will do, once I figure out how! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're joining in. Can't wait to see Richx52 in the coming months xx


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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