Saturday 13 April 2013

I wanna be with you everywhere

This morning I lured him out of bed and aaall the way across town under the guise of interiors inspiration and the promise of an amazing breakfast....knowing full well that Kara Rosenlund, Frankie and a treasure trove of amazing vintage wares would be waiting, having all made the long road trip down the east coast.

Beautiful. So, beautiful. I wanted to buy All Of The Things!

We drove there in the shiny Autumn morning sunshine, playing Fleetwood Mac, all the way to eleven. Yep.

Gorgeous Kara and Frankie will be back again tomorrow, I'd recommend a visit if you can get there.

Belinda x


  1. Oh my word, I think I'd been spending a lot of money that I don't have in that shop!

    1. Yep, it would be too easy! I limited myself to choosing one thing to take home. So much inspiration and loveliness though, just a joy to visit.


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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