Sunday, 19 May 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: prefers lemon juice and sugar on his pancakes, crunchy peanut butter on his toast, ginger beer to ginger ale, and cold pork pies over most anything else as a snack. 
I forgive his peculiarity, for they are part of what make him a richly charactered individual. *

We: have had a special visit from George the Giraffe this weekend. He is The little one's Kinder friend. Each child at school has an opportunity to take George home for a weekend, then share the tales of adventure with the class the following week. She has taken the responsibility of caring for George and making sure he has a great time, very seriously.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel. You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

* Taken from our favourite Edward Monkton book, A lovely love story.


  1. I'm with Richard - lemon on sugar on pancakes and crunchy peanut butter on toast!

    1. Ha! I'm a staunch vegemite on toast girl myself ;-)

  2. First image is a beauty...great composition! I have to second Richards Pancake and Toast toppings too...I even resort to making my own peanut butter!!

    1. Homemade peanut butter?! I have to say that does sound enticing. B x

  3. with him on everything but the pork pies (the jelly = the horror!). x

    1. Yes, the horror!! It's where I draw the line! x

  4. Yep, the first two I agree with! Lemon and sugar, yum. Crunchy peanut butter AND butter too, if you don't mind!!!! Not sure about the cold pork pies, though xxx

  5. I love lemon juice and sugar in my pancakes too! Those particularities made a person unique!!

  6. Yep ... I agree with all of it but the pork pies ... yuck :0)

  7. Yep, you can keep your pork pies, warm or cold! We also had the Kinder toy a few weeks ago, good fun!


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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