Monday 20 May 2013

We have today

There are moments when you're reminded that life is a fragile gift, that everything can change in an instant. 

Last week, an Australian couple, Kathreen Ricketson and Rob Shugg drowned in Western Australia while on a family working holiday with their two gorgeous children. I was so saddened upon hearing the news reports and tragic circumstances, then I started to see the story reverberate across the blogging community. Kathreen was a blogger, a book author, an artist and champion of the creative community.

I received news on Saturday morning that a much loved colleague, an unconditionally kind, generous, gentle man, father, partner, son, brother had passed suddenly. It's still so hard to believe. 

My heart aches for their families. How to cope when life suddenly tilts in a completely unexpected, unimaginable direction.

It sharpens your perspective. We live in a free country. We have a warm, secure home. We have access to education. We have choices. We have each other. We have a beautiful life, RIGHT NOW. 

I think Rachael said it better than I ever could, "we cannot see around is what we have."

Belinda x

* A trust fund has been set up for the children of Kathreen Ricketson and Rob Shugg, you can find the details here if you would like to donate.


  1. Beautiful post Belinda. I read about this last week and my stomach did a flip when I see that two small children will grow up without a mum and dad in their lives. Sorry for your loss too - Life can be so unfair xo

  2. My heart breaks for these families. I just can't believe it happened in my state and the children saw their parents drown before their eyes. So so so sad ;-(

  3. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Kathreen, her husband and their two beautiful kids.Just heart breaking. I'm so sorry about your colleague too. So many tragedies in this life. we so need to treasure the moment,that's for sure. x


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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