Saturday, 12 October 2013


"A portrait of my husband and our marriage, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Richard: He'll tell you he's been listening to the Arctic Monkeys and Queens Of The Stone Age lately. Which is true. But he has a major cheesy streak. Give him DJ control and you can expect an eighties power ballad or two.

We: Sharing music and discovering new (to us) artists and bands has been a cornerstone of our relationship from the very beginning. Friday nights in playing music, telling stories, air guitar and lounge room dance offs. Those Friday nights are the best kind.

Participating in the 52 Portraits series led by Jodi at Che & Fidel. You can view all of my weekly portraits by clicking on the button in the sidebar.

Belinda x

1 comment:

  1. Your Friday nights sound amazing! There are none that top that! I love that he has an 80's streak!!! Too fun! Happy week to you friend!


Thanks for your comment, so nice to hear from you. Belinda x

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